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Mangled Carpenter share meaning behind 'Salvation Syndrome' cover art and songs

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Extreme, faith-based death metal band “Mangled Carpenter” have unleashed their brutal sophomore album “Salvation Syndrome”. The album released on October, 27th, 2023 as a dual release between Rottweiler Records and Broken Curfew Records.

From the Press Release:

Fans and critics are raving about “Salvation Syndrome”, stating:

Mangled Carpenter just dropped one of the heaviest albums of the year.” – KingdomCore

It moves back and forth from a stomp-laden staccato and circular chainsaw riffs.” – Metal-Digest

Mangled Carpenter’s death metal offering is a great, Christ-honoring alternative to bands like Dying Fetus and Napalm Death.” – Jesus Freak Hideout

…a surprisingly good slab of death metal brutality, the likes of which I hadn’t experienced since Cattle Decapitation…” – Necro Shock Radio

They are constantly shifting movements, feels, time signatures, and keys. They let the song go where it wants to go but in a repeatable way. In short, it is a musical application of the scientific method.” – Geek Devotion

It rips. It tears. It’s brutal, go listen!” – Frank Duncle

Amazing, brutal! Love it!” – Garon Linton

When I was twelve, Mortification’s Scrolls of the Meggiloth blew my mind and made a death metal and grindcore fan outta me. Mangled Carpenter’s Salvation Syndrome has done the same thing to me at forty three.” – Paul Dimitrievich

Behind The Cover Artwork:

The album cover art for “Salvation Syndrome” draws its inspiration from the title track while also symbolically representing some Christian believers as abstract monstrous “wolves in sheep’s clothing,” a concept rooted in the Bible’s warnings about false prophets and hypocritical individuals within the faith (Matthew 7:15).

It underscores the disconcerting reality that, in contemporary times, some who identify as Christians may, in truth, be individuals who seek to ensnare, judge, and condemn others, rather than exemplifying the love and compassion modeled by Christ. This portrayal highlights the potential harm such individuals can inflict on the message of Christ, emphasizing that their actions can be more detrimental than those of atheists or evildoers.

The notion of "Salvation Syndrome” encapsulates the idea that some of these professed believers do not exhibit a genuine fear of consequences because they take for granted the grace of God, a grace that they, unfortunately, fail to extend to others. This concept is in alignment with the biblical admonition to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling”(Philippians 2:12), emphasizing the importance of humility and self-reflection in one’s faith journey.

The album's cover design was crafted by Seth Metoyer, who not only serves as the vocalist and guitarist of Mangled Carpenter but also boasts over two decades of professional experience as a traditional artist and graphic designer in the music, book publishing, and movie industry.

Seth’s design combines traditional training with contemporary digital tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Fresco, and Midjourney, showcasing his ability to blend various artistic mediums to convey profound and thought-provoking themes in his designs.

The cover of “Salvation Syndrome” is a testament to his creative vision in capturing the essence of the album’s content.

Track By Track Of “Salvation Syndrome:

The album’s thematic approach draws inspiration from a format akin to a “Letter to the Church,” reminiscent of the style Paul employed in his biblical writing’s.

  1. Lumberyard: This track addresses the pervasive issue of hypocrisy within the Church, echoing the sentiment expressed in Matthew, where Jesus admonishes believers to first remove the plank from their own eyes before focusing on the speck in others’ eyes (Matthew 7:3-5).

  2. A Path To Sorrow: Rooted in personal experiences, this song conveys the valuable life lessons often learned through hardship. It reflects the journey of the songwriter, Seth Metoyer, who, after facing personal turmoil, found solace in his faith, mirroring the themes of the prodigal son and Jonah’s experiences in the Bible.

  3. They Already Know: This composition emphasizes the importance of demonstrating Christian values through actions rather than repetitively delivering the “come to Jesus” message, echoing the call to let one’s light shine before others (Matthew 5:16).

  4. Salvation Syndrome: The song highlights the issue of complacency in some Christian circles, reminding listeners not to take their salvation for granted and to continuously seek spiritual growth and transformation. It echoes the biblical exhortation to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12).

  5. Severed: “Severed” explores the feelings of spiritual disconnection from God, drawing parallels to the thief on the cross who was spiritually severed from God, yet his soul was ultimately saved by Christ. It also references the biblical account of Peter cutting off the ear of a servant and Christ healing it (Luke 22:50-51).

  6. Faith Delusion: Inspired by an atheistic physicist’s assertion that belief in God is a form of mental delusion, this song delves into the theme of faith and skepticism.

  7. Spit Parade: This reimagining of a demo track from 2005 reflects on Christ’s unwavering determination to fulfill His mission despite the mockery and persecution He endured. It underscores the idea that all humanity shares responsibility for His suffering.

  8. J.G.S.H: This is a cover of a Mortification song, and its inclusion pays homage to the Christian metal band’s work.

  9. Receive Him: “Receive Him” is a tribute to Vengeance Rising’s song of the same name and incorporates the Lord’s Prayer, emphasizing the act of receiving and acknowledging the presence of God.

These songs collectively engage with themes of faith, self-reflection, and the Christian journey, drawing from biblical references and personal experiences.

Salvation Syndrome is available now on CD, Digital and Streaming sites via Rottweiler Records and Broken Curfew Records. Visit for more info.

Lumberyard Lyric Video:

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