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Chaos and Cold Steel: Crimson Moonlight's "ABADDON" to Strike

By The Metal Crawlspace -

Emerging from the depths of the Swedish underground, the relentless force of Crimson Moonlight will unleash their latest masterpiece "ABADDON" upon the metal realm, on November 24th, 2023. This three-song cataclysmic tempest of blackened death metal savagery will inevitably stand tall at the forefront of extremity, making no concessions and demanding no surrender. Brace yourselves for a sonic assault that combines writhing anger with haunting melodies, a magnum opus that seamlessly melds musical devastation with fierce harmonies.

The band has released one single from ABADDON, "Wings of Death". Track it down immediately on Spotify.

CRIMSON MOONLIGHT is on a mission to obliterate the expectations of even the most battle-hardened metalheads. "ABADDON" is the manifestation of these Swedish warriors at the absolute zenith of their creative and technical prowess. The onslaught has begun, and its echoes will reverberate to the ends of the Earth and beyond!


1. Wings of Death

2. Akal Abaddon

3. Jackals

This release follows the heavily acclaimed full-length album "Divine Darkness" from 2016, released under the banner of Endtime Productions.

The exclusive cover art for "ABADDON" is a chilling masterpiece crafted by none other than Kristian Wåhlin, also known as "Necrolord" (renowned for his work with Dissection, At the Gates, and Emperor).

Recorded at Brutal HoboRec (known for productions with Wolfbrigade, Exhale, and Intohimo), "ABADDON" promises to be an auditory onslaught like no other.

For fans of Scandinavian extreme metal bands such as Dark Funeral, At The Gates, Dissection, Satyricon, and Marduk, Crimson Moonlight's "ABADDON" is an uncompromising journey into the abyss of metal extremity that should not be missed. Prepare to be consumed by the frigid fury that only Crimson Moonlight can deliver.

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